Digital Overdenture!

We are currently working on our very first digital overdenture! Here's a quick sneak peek.

Let us know if you have any questions or if you have a digital case!

Accepting Trios & iTero files

We are proud to announce that we now accept both Trios and iTero files. Getting approved by 3Shape for Trios Ready and getting everything set up with iTero took us longer than expected. Nonetheless we are there and if you have any questions please use the submission form on Contact Us page. You can also give us a call during regular business hours: Monday-Thursday 7am-3:30pm, Friday 7am-1pm. Thank you for being patient during this process.

Celebrating being Certified!

We, toothfarians, had lunch celebrating our lab being certified! Currently we have two certified dental technicians, Diane(owner) and Donna(ceramist). We came a long way dreaming of being certified and had to celebrate with our favorite food, PIZZA! We forgot to get another photo of everyone so this photo will have to do for now. 

From left to right: Donna, Anita, Nick(behind Anita), Ron, Annie, Ron, George, Earl, Diane, Victoria, Sarah, (Aaron)

Almost Trios & iTero Ready!

We are almost there on being Trios and iTero ready. Once we are open to both systems, we will be accepting files from Columbus and surrounding regions first. After having consistently good results, we will open to all Ohio and the Midwest states. We are about a 2 weeks to a month away from being ready, so once we are we will let everyone know through our website. Please check back in a few weeks to see any progress made! Meanwhile check out our Instagram page (@oaktreelab) and see what we're up to!


A few hours ago we heard the news that our CDL(Certified Dental Laboratory) application has been approved and at the moment, we cannot contain our joy. We have planned of being certified over three years ago and designed our new location accordingly but never got to the application process right away. We started to focus on being certified again this past December and within six months we are finally certified. Thank you all who has shown interest in our lab through either visiting our website or Instagram. We will continue to educate ourselves and improve our quality to serve our clients better. It will be a few weeks till we receive the physical certification, so please keep an eye on our Instagram account for the photo!

Instagram: oaktreelab

Certification in Progress!

Today, we mailed our CDL application and are waiting for the good news. Being certified has been a dream of our lab and finally got things together. We began our preparation in December 2014 and it took us three months to really get everything dialed in. Now it's a waiting game. We wait for the NBC's approval and the official certificate to be delivered. We are not sure how long the process will take but hoping for no longer than two months. We will keep everyone posted!

Administrative Assistant Position Filled!

Thank you again for all the interests shown for the position. We have found the right person and currently everything is working out great. Currently we have no open position available, but as soon as one opens up, we will keep you updated. Thank you again!

-Oak Tree-

Certification and more!

We have some exciting future events happening here at Oak Tree. We have decided to become a certified dental laboratory to better serve our clients with optimum quality restorations and service. There are a lot of things to get done, but we are working really hard and now we are at a touch-up stage. We are hoping to become certified by June depending on how long the evaluation takes.

With the digital age becoming more pronounced, we have Nick as our CAD technician designated to digitally manufactured restorations. We are constantly learning and exploiting all the exciting features digital age has to offer. We are currently anticipating to design our first crown with the digital impression taken from an intra-oral scanner. Excitement is in the air for it would bring a dust-free environment and cuts down the material cost for both the doctor and the lab. We are only accepting images from select doctors at the moment, but once we have a firm knowledge and skills, we will open up to more doctors.

Be on the look out!