Same quality service at a new location!

We’ve moved our full service dental lab to 55 Caren Avenue, Worthington, Ohio 43085. Our contact information remains the same (as listed on this site). Be sure to send any postage to our new address! Feel free to stop by and visit our new space! We’re excited to continue providing an outstanding service to central Ohio and beyond.

Driver position has been filled!

We've been hard at work and haven't had to time to update. We have filled our local delivery driver position and everything is working out great! Thank you to all of those that applied and we will keep you updated on any other openings we have available.


We are expanding our digital department and are now looking for the right person to join.

About us
We are a small full-service certified dental laboratory with a lab scanner, a milling unit, and a 3D printer. We design, mill, and print all of our restorations in-house so we can provide high-quality restorations to our dentists. We cross-train our technicians so that they do not get bored with one specific job and also to keep us up and running when one of our technicians is out sick or on vacation.

Job Description
Design and mill restorations as well 3D print models and make stone models

Pay is dependent on experience.

We are looking for someone who:
- is great with computers
- has excellent hand-motor skills
- can work with others as a team
- can follow directions
- has basic dental knowlege (not required)

If you are interested in the position, please send us an email to with a resume attached. Please include which position you are applying for (CAD/CAM), why you chose our lab, and why you would be a good fit.

If you would like to know more about the position please give us a call at 614-846-6050 Monday-Friday 7am-5pm!

*If there is no news update on this position, it is still available!

In-House Printer, CHECK!

We recently purchased a 3D model printer!! There was a slight learning curve and some spilling accident, but after we got everything dialed down it's been a smooth ride. More info will be coming soon and will be on our Digital page.

Side note: We purchased a new scanner and it is able to scan impressions! That means no more stone models!! We are not quite there yet, but soon we will be leaving the Stone Age behind us (pun intended)!! More info coming soon.

Coming soon.


We just redesigned our website for the new year! Nothing is set in stone just yet, but we have an idea of how we want our website to look like. Also, we have more pages coming soon such as how to send a case via your DDX system (if you use it in your office of course), a page dedicated to digital dentistry and lab technology, and a gallery. It may take a few months to finalize every thing so please do check back later!


We are very happy to announce that we are now milling in-house! After researching for a mill for about two years, we finally took a leap and purchased a milling unit. We are incredibly happy of the fact that we have more control over the whole process of CAD/CAM to better serve our dentists and patients.

At this moment, we are milling all zirconia and most Emax restorations as well as wax. It would be a lie if we tell you that there was no learning curve. However, it didn't take us nearly as long as we expected and we only had some issues with certain material. We cannot wait to try more materials and hopefully we can mill titanium abutments when the legality issues are resolved.

Here are some pictures from our mill.

We have not only bought a mill but also brought in a second design station due to the amount of CAD/CAM cases! We now design at two different computers to speed up the CAD process while maintaining our quality. We constantly post pictures on our Instagram account so keep up to date on your Oak Tree news by visiting our page @oaktreelab on Instagram!

Some Shopping To Do!

We're finally at a place where we can start thinking about a milling machine and possibly a printer as well. For the past year or two, we've been doing research on milling machines and now we are really pushing it hard. We expect to have a milling machine within a month or two and if every thing feels right, we may get a printer too.

With digital dentistry becoming more advanced and popular, we are excited to see where it takes us. We are working hard towards finding the right material, whether it's the quality of the zirconia or printed models, that meets our standard yet can be affordable.

It is definitely not a quick decision we can make since we want to make the most out of it. For example, after a long research period, we bought our current scanner, 3Shape D800, about two years ago after our preceding scanner, Dental Wings, died all of a sudden. We absolutely love our 3Shape scanner and everything about it. At first we started off using it just for designing zirconia, but gradually moved on to other restorations, such as temporaries, custom abutments, and models.

One of the biggest reasons we feel the need for a milling machine is that we want to control our quality. Technology has advanced so much within the last decade but technicians are still needed to take charge when problems arise. With our own milling machine, we can pinpoint exactly where something went wrong and fix it. Another benefit to having a milling machine is the turn around time. As soon as we need something re-milled, we can get it milled right then and there.

If we decide to get a printer as well, we can print not only models but also mouth guards, surgical stents, and many more. Right now, our models are printed at an out-of-state lab and the turn around time is a week. When there are issues, it can take longer. If we can print our own, the turn around time will be cut short and can use that time to really focus on the quality of restorations without having to rush.

We hope to find the right milling machine and possibly a printer that meets our need. As soon as there's an addition to our digital family, we will make sure to make an announcement. Meanwhile, please check out our Instagram page (@oaktreelab) for daily activities around the lab!